What are your thoughts on this?
I was surprised it was news to be honest, I mean, hasn't this already been happening for years already and not just at Facebook? Or am I missing something?
Am I a bad person for trusting an AI reading my personal messages more than any person?
What I'm saying is give me the Helios ending.
On that note, can Facebook please name their AI 'NG Resonance'? Thank you.
Personally, don't use Facebook so this for the moment does not apply to me.
He needs to stop pretending he is a world leader. He runs a platform for everyone to post on and make each other feel bad and jealous, not running several countries that are the focus of current attacks.
I hope something slips and it all comes crashind down around him.
😂 so true
Not surprising at all really..Horrid but not surprising...Businessmen like him are twice as more dangerous than most people at the forefront of the economic elite. He does all the things he is doing not just for the bucks...He actually thinks that his world-viewpoint is what the world needs and wants to enforce it on everyone using his platforms. Reminds me a lot of the Google executive branch as well...
I laughed my ass off when I found out that the "They trust me — dumb fucks" quote was actually real and not a joke... I mean his intentions might be noble at this point (personally, I think it's all just money and power grabbing), but I really don't care and will always advise people to move away from Facebook.
All of these billionaire breeding grounds (Apple, Google, Facebook) are sooo concerned about fake news and are considering investing money in censorship, but they don't want to invest in educating the youth. Actual education, like the one that enslaves thousands of students in debt. And then when they (along with others) find out they've been cheated by the system, these profit-driven jokers actually want to snuff out their voices.
I'd love to be master of my own data. Have a unit in the cupboard under the stairs that was my cloud storage, email service, nas, media centre, auto backup for my phone pictures etc.... Question is. How hard would that be? If someone sold a product that did that out the box I'm sure it would be a real viable money maker
Although 5 subsequent minutes of Internet searching tells me an email server out the box is never going to happen 😁 https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/02/how-to-run-your-own-e-mail-server-with-your-own-domain-part-1/
It's not difficult to set up at all. Once you have the hardware, you're looking at an hour's worth of work to get apache and nextcloud set up.
I just finished reading his "manifesto" as it's been called.
He is merely stating what a powerful tool facebook is in the shaping of society. To me it is a political statement to work more closely with global powers. Here is an excerpt from the letter:
In recent campaigns around the world -- from India and Indonesia across Europe to the United States -- we've seen the candidate with the largest and most engaged following on Facebook usually wins.
Oh my, what a shocker.... If ppl today knew any better then they wouldn't "broadcast" their illegal activities on publicly traded social media platform lmao
"worried about the end of globalisation"
He thinks that globalisation is somehow threatened? Economic, industrial and financial globalisation, perhaps. But globalisation is not at all just an economic, industrial and financial phenomenon.
The very existence of the internet ensures that globalisation will keep being a thing. Willfully or not, colonialism and cultural imperialism has perhaps never been going as strong as it is right now. The so-called "international culture" and the internet's culture is essentially anglo-north-american culture with slight variations in local language. It can hardly get more globalised than that.