Okay so with this I am going to put my opinions and suggestions out on the table in a guide, it is all based on my experience and what I found best, but its designed to be a absolute basic base for beginners, as I still class my self as a beginner but I am starting to stand on my two feet as it where.
Okay so as it has been told before dont expect to learn everything in one night, the big boys have been doing this for years, they started like you, they got the knowledge and are kind enough to help and share with us so we too can learn, its an experience not a race.
Okay so as a beginner in Linux I personally would want something stable but a bit more to bleeding edge and true control for this I recommend an Arch based distro, Not arch its self as some things are a bit weird to get your head around such as partitioning and file system creation, also the X server and drivers can be a bit annoying, So we need a distro that has all this out from the beginning so I say use Manjaro, this is a very very highly recommended distro from me, personally I am back on Fedora for now, but Manjaro still runs my laptop due to a RPM distro GPU bug.
With Manjaro you get a superb base, better than Ubuntu. Why is this though? Let me list.
-> MHWD detects all your system drivers and installs them, this includes things like Catalyst, and they work.
-> You get AUR, in the form of Yaourt, this allows you to easily build packages from source, this is used for building packages not included in the Pacman system.
-> Its fast, very fast, On SSD I boot into Manjaro in 10 seconds without tweaks, 4 with.
-> Community based and its not american. Avoid business based and american distros, I know I use Fedora which is funded by RHEL, but its still community at heart for now.
-> Arch has one of the best documentations on the planet, you have a bug? chances are the Arch guys have seen it, fixed it and got the t-shirt.
-> Pacman is simple, So simple it sticks like glue, I really enjoy pacman :)
-> Minimal by design, which means less security issues, less resources and you cherry pick what you want, although manjaro gives you some highly recommended high quality apps.
-> Steam is pre-installed.
-> Very easy to install, easier than Windows.
There you go, there are some other things but they don't matter for a super basic user.
After you have it installed you have a very stable, fast, bleeding edge ish, secure system that just works, I mean just works, I have never had any real issues with XFCE manjaro.
This is all a new Linux user needs, forget software centres, forget having to look through forums to fix a GPU driver.
Adding to that if you feel risky, you can become really modular with this system, you can add new kernels easily, remove drivers and swap them easily, and you can replace hardware without reinstall like Windows needs.
Welcome to the future my friends, and it starts with a very nice distro that was built for beginners and advanced users alike, just remember if you want to learn Linux take your time, Enjoy your self, engage in the community and ask if your stuck, we will try to help no matter the situation this is true of our community and others such as Linux.org, Arch forums and the Manjaro forums, Also pop into their IRC for a friendly chat, its nice there :)