Manjaro update to login screen is black SOLVED

Lets do some troubleshooting:

In the Terminal type sudo nano /etc/mkinitcpio.conf *if you don't have nano then use your editor of choice

If you see MODULES=" nouveau" then delete nouveau so it looks like this MODULES=""

The next thing I would try is to reinstall LDM, but lets check this first...

This is what I found

And if i have to reinstall LDM are you talking about this LightDM GTK+

Yup. Go ahead and try it, Then reinstall it

you can also follow this..

Uninstalled the following
LightDm lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-settings light-locker
Did a restart, still black screen
Went to setting for Lightdm changed the settings
Did a restart, still black screen

Looked at the website you posted, entered in Terminal this command
sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
This what was in the editor

General configuration

start-default-seat = True to always start one seat if none are defined in the configuration

greeter-user = User to run greeter as

minimum-display-number = Minimum display number to use for X servers

minimum-vt = First VT to run displays on

lock-memory = True to prevent memory from being paged to disk

user-authority-in-system-dir = True if session authority should be in the system location

guest-account-script = Script to be run to setup guest account

logind-check-graphical = True to on start seats that are marked as graphical by logind

log-directory = Directory to log information to

run-directory = Directory to put running state in

cache-directory = Directory to cache to

sessions-directory = Directory to find sessions

remote-sessions-directory = Directory to find remote sessions

greeters-directory = Directory to find greeters

backup-logs = True to move add a .old suffix to old log files when opening new ones





minimum-vt=7 # Setting this to a value < 7 implies security issues, see FS#46799












Seat configuration

Seat configuration is matched against the seat name glob in the section, for example:

[Seat:*] matches all seats and is applied first.

[Seat:seat0] matches the seat named "seat0".

[Seat:seat-thin-client*] matches all seats that have names that start with "seat-thin-client".

type = Seat type (xlocal, xremote, unity)

pam-service = PAM service to use for login

pam-autologin-service = PAM service to use for autologin

pam-greeter-service = PAM service to use for greeters

xserver-command = X server command to run (can also contain arguments e.g. X -special-option)

xmir-command = Xmir server command to run (can also contain arguments e.g. Xmir -special-option)

xserver-config = Config file to pass to X server

xserver-layout = Layout to pass to X server

xserver-allow-tcp = True if TCP/IP connections are allowed to this X server

xserver-share = True if the X server is shared for both greeter and session

xserver-hostname = Hostname of X server (only for type=xremote)

xserver-display-number = Display number of X server (only for type=xremote)

xdmcp-manager = XDMCP manager to connect to (implies xserver-allow-tcp=true)

xdmcp-port = XDMCP UDP/IP port to communicate on

xdmcp-key = Authentication key to use for XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 (stored in keys.conf)

unity-compositor-command = Unity compositor command to run (can also contain arguments e.g. unity-system-compositor -special-option)

unity-compositor-timeout = Number of seconds to wait for compositor to start

greeter-session = Session to load for greeter

greeter-hide-users = True to hide the user list

greeter-allow-guest = True if the greeter should show a guest login option

greeter-show-manual-login = True if the greeter should offer a manual login option

greeter-show-remote-login = True if the greeter should offer a remote login option

user-session = Session to load for users

allow-user-switching = True if allowed to switch users

allow-guest = True if guest login is allowed

guest-session = Session to load for guests (overrides user-session)

session-wrapper = Wrapper script to run session with

greeter-wrapper = Wrapper script to run greeter with

guest-wrapper = Wrapper script to run guest sessions with

display-setup-script = Script to run when starting a greeter session (runs as root)

display-stopped-script = Script to run after stopping the display server (runs as root)

greeter-setup-script = Script to run when starting a greeter (runs as root)

session-setup-script = Script to run when starting a user session (runs as root)

session-cleanup-script = Script to run when quitting a user session (runs as root)

autologin-guest = True to log in as guest by default

autologin-user = User to log in with by default (overrides autologin-guest)

autologin-user-timeout = Number of seconds to wait before loading default user

autologin-session = Session to load for automatic login (overrides user-session)

autologin-in-background = True if autologin session should not be immediately activated

exit-on-failure = True if the daemon should exit if this seat fails










































XDMCP Server configuration

enabled = True if XDMCP connections should be allowed

port = UDP/IP port to listen for connections on

listen-address = Host/address to listen for XDMCP connections (use all addresses if not present)

key = Authentication key to use for XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 or blank to not use authentication (stored in keys.conf)

hostname = Hostname to report to XDMCP clients (defaults to system hostname if unset)

The authentication key is a 56 bit DES key specified in hex as 0xnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Alternatively

it can be a word and the first 7 characters are used as the key.







VNC Server configuration

enabled = True if VNC connections should be allowed

command = Command to run Xvnc server with

port = TCP/IP port to listen for connections on

listen-address = Host/address to listen for VNC connections (use all addresses if not present)

width = Width of display to use

height = Height of display to use

depth = Color depth of display to use









This # is not displaying on the tek syndicate web site it was in front of 99% of the lines

did you reinstall those packages yet?

I did a edit so it reads proper now, scroll up and it should read proper
The above message I uninstalled the four packages and then reinstalled
And then you can read from the top down what I found

Here is a pic of my terminal after the command
sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
was entered

Ok i'm back, timezones... So your trying out different display managers? You can check if lightdm spouted any errors by checking its state

$ systemctl status lightdm

But let's keep it simple, forget lightdm for a moment, let's try replacing lightdm with gdm:

1: Install gnome display manager

$ sudo pamac -S gdm

2: Disable (don't stop) lightdm

$ sudo systemctl disable lightdm

(disabled services won't load at boot, 'stop' on the other hand would, well, stop the service instantly, which isn't a problem it just throws you out of the graphical session into a TTY. But ignore that now)

3: Enable gdm

$ sudo systemctl enable gdm

$ reboot

1 Like

This command got me this result

Why use gnome display manager vs LightDM

This problem was commented about in recent update announcement stable-update-2016-08-17

Posts #10 and #23 there have couple of suggested solutions

Look thought the posts
Nvidia users this line cause the blank screen crash, remove it
Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"

I am using this command to fix screen tearing, because it fixes the problem and I do not have to fus with compiz or compton
So if the fix is to lose that line and get a visible login screen, I will keep it the way it is.
compiz or compton are a pain, could not get compton to fix screen tearing and compiz does all this fancy stuff that I do not want, but the compozitor fixes the tearing. If only compiz would just have the compozitor as a stand alone.

I didn't see any comment about metamodes when i was checking the post yesterday before updating.

Looking at later posts, only see one post about metamodes (#53) suggesting moving the command from nvidia config to autostart, not complete removal

Sorry, I have just had a lot of trouble trying to fix screen tearing, and now that it is fixed, I am overly sensitive about it.
Will read the post agian.
Thanks for the info
Post #17 is the one I read

Nvidia users this line cause the blank screen crash, remove it
Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"

Thanks everyone for the help, I learned new things.
@Baz @Miguel_Sensacion @MisteryAngel @meggerman sorry if I missed anyone

@nikgnomic pointed me in the right direction.
The fix to the problem is removing the line.
Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }"
etc/X11/mhwd.d then edit file nvidia.conf
This was my fix for the screen tearing and the problem with my login screen on bootup being Black. I removed the line completely and saved.

The new fix for the screen tearing is.
Sessions and Startup
Application Autostart
Click add and give it a name, discription and add the command.
nvidia-settings -assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"

Did a restart and the login screen is back and works properly.
Screen tearing is fixed as well.
Again thanks everyone for helping with the fix, people on this forum are the best, being new to linux and learning new things that for a windows user is hard , like removing some programs and replacing it with something new and different that is part of the OS. Very unnerving.
The more I do with linux the more relaxing it gets and the more I think linux is for me.


I'm Happy now :)

Awesome good to know for other people aswell.
Not sure if this similar issue could popup at other rolling release distro's who offering this new kernel?

Yes, "removing" the file - like I posted over at Manjaro's Forum - is not really a solution but a quick workaround to get things going again without needing to switch TTY's to get a picture (in my case "blindy typing the password to login" didn't work).

Running a slightly "crippled" (tearing) system is better than sitting around waiting for a fix to materialize out of thin air. ;)

Knowing the exact cause of the problem, after the other posts appeared, I did what everyone else did... removing the metamode line from nvidia.conf, re-instating the file, and adding the "nvidia-settings" line to the autostart.

But... if things break right after the reboot after the update and you don't even have any errors in any log it's rather tricky to track down the exact cause. X-|