Manjaro - Cant get wifi working

Okay so I went for net editon with LXDM/LXDE but I cant get wifi to work, my network is WPA2-PSK encrypted but wicd wont detect it and wifi-menu wlp1s0 wont allow connection also.

Here is my output.

[root@manjaro xdroidie626]# wicd-gtk
Importing pynotify failed, notifications disabled.
Has notifications support False
Connecting to daemon...
displaytray True
Done loading.
ESSID : --------
ESSID : --------
ESSID : --------
ERROR:dbus.connection:Exception in handler for D-Bus signal:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/", line 230, in maybe_handle_message
    self._handler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/wicd/gtk/", line 253, in handle_connection_results
    error(self.window, language[results], block=False)
KeyError: dbus.String(u'bad_pass')

So yeah, it wont connect at all, wired works fine, just no wireless.

Thanks in advance!

I would suggest that you start by checking which network devices are detected on your system.

$ ls /sys/class/net



If you can find a device that looks like it might be wireless (mine is wlp3s3, usually the 'w' gives it away) check to see if that device is active with

$ ip link

This will list net devices and their states. The UP in <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> is what indicates the interface is up, not the later state DOWN.


If you keep running into issues I would suggest you fiddle with your drivers.



The beginner's guide on the Arch Linux wiki is a treasure trove of useful information. If I'm not any help it probably will be.


The wireless section of the guide will probably be especially useful.


(sorry for the totally incomplete help)

I figured out what it was :) i needed to use wpa_supplicant then run dhcpcd wlp1s0, but it is not perma :(

What do  you mean is "not perma"? Does it randomly disconnect? It it does, it's because dhcpcd creates its own instance of wpa_supplicant and the two conflict (if you used wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd). It used to be that way when I fiddled with wi-fi on my laptop, I don't know if they fixed it. If you do ps -ef|grep wpa and you find two instances of wpa_supplicant, then that's your problem.

Shouldn't manjaro come with NetworkManager? You can still install it if it didn't come with it, otherwise you have to follow the netctl guide on Arch, there are services you can install to make your net automatically connect when available i think it's called netctl-auto, there's a similar one for ethernet called netctl-ifplugd the arch wiki details them better. Also take a look at the examples folder in the netctl directory /etc/netctl for sample setups.

Okay I used minimal, this is just base, eth0 works fine, but wifi didnt work, I used wifi-menu, didnt work, Wicd, didnt work etc etc, but reading the guide I needed to enable dhcpcd@wlp1s0 to enable it, it seemed to fix it. until reboot then it didnt work afterwards, I am reinstalling though to see if its just an install issue


$ ip link set wlp1s0 up

$ wpa_passphrase <essid> <wi-fi password> >>/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

$ dhcpcd wlp1s0

That's all I needed to do.

Ksajal that will cause problems with different profiles though right?

XDroidie626, you have netctl profiles available right? try to do a netctl start profile and see the errors. Also wifi-menu usually saves the profiles you choose in /etc/netctl so read them and make sure they make sense they are plain text. Finally looking at my system the two netctl services I have enabled are [email protected] and [email protected] (I'm using old naming because of the MATLAB stupid licensing system)

I have to admit, I don't know what you are referring to when you are saying "that will cause problems with different profiles". Would you care to elaborate?

I think I misunderstood the command line, as it also saves the ESSID i thought you are saving a single passphrase thus making the system only respond to one ESSID

By profiles I mean netctl profiles, basically netctl has a profile for each connectioni and you can use netctl start and netctl stop on each of them, like systemctl for system services in arch each connection you have defined is stored within one of these profiles and could be accessed manually or if you use something like netctl-auto where it can be switched on when detected

So dhcpcd is enabled (which means it'll autostart at boot), and it works on ethernet, but not on wifi? Very strange. I don't think it's a service problem, that sounds to me more like a permission problem.

Ah, I see, thank you for the clarification.

You can supply different essid/passphrase combinations with wpa_passphrase, and they are all stored in the wpa_supplicant.conf file. It should work with different wi-fi networks (haven't tested it yet).

Did you get your wi-fi working?

I mocked around with my wi-fi, and I managed to get it working this way:

#ip link set wlp1s0 up

#wpa_passphrase <ssid> <password> >> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

#wpa_supplicant -B -iwlp1s0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

#dhcpcd wlp1s0

When I tried it without first starting wpa_supplicant I got weird errors, of the kind I couldn't make any sense of (not that's out of the ordinary for me).