Manjaro and Arch

Are both completely stable to use? I forget which Linux distributions are stable and which aren't.

Manjaro was fine for me until it wasn't. I dont know what went wrong with it, but the day it stopped working was the day after Fedora 25 came out. It was pretty stable for a long time though.

Interesting, so would that mean Arch is also unstable then? Since Manjaro is based on Arch

I don't have any experience with Arch outside of manjaro, but a lot of people swear by it, they can't all be wrong.

Consider also archbang and antergos.

What are Archband and Antergos?

Arch based distros.

Oh, how many Arch based distros are there?

Seems to be a fair few on that list!

Holy shit that's a lot o.o

(thank you)

Manjaro is a great way to get introduced to Arch, just be sure to check (like all distributions) if your hardware is compatible.
Personally I used the Arch Anywhere installer for my laptop

They're rolling releases so they're prone to updates that will just break