I know a lot of that is cringe worthy haha but I was working on a budget and always under the assumption that I was gonna upgrade eventually.
no overheating issues so far or blue screen or anything out of the ordinary except I can't put it to sleep but I chalk that up to an acceptable first time builder error.
I'm looking to upgrade the CPU and GPU (maybe make the switch to nvidia although that may require me to switch motherboards) I'm sure this will require an upgrade in cooling and power as well.
My goal for the upgrade is to increase gaming performance. I have been keeping it light so far but I would like to be able to play on Ultra for most games and High on demanding games. I will also be upgrading my monitor from a 20" to a 27" as well as getting a decent TV and I would like to be able to switch the displays between the TV and the monitor.
Total I would like to spend 500-600 on the internals to save some room for new monitor/tv/keyboard etc.
Thanks for taking a look I appreciate any advice or suggestions!
I'd go ahead and do this... http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3xA5Z
Your mobo has SATA III, so the SSD will step it up 10 notches in speed... and a GTX 770 will blow your current card away... should be fine for Ultra on pretty much anything in 1080p (with the exception of maybe Crysis)... switched out the PSU with a nice one, that is overkill, granted... but the 750w version was $5 more than the 650 version, and it gives you enough juice for crossfire if you choose later (Though you might look into the 4GB 770 if you're planning on crossfiring) Regardless... this PSU won't hold you back, it's excellent quality, and you'll have a nice base for future upgrades down the line (obviously mobo/CPU would be the next thing to look at)
still using stock cooler lol I haven't had any problems so I just never upgraded. Will a gtx 770 work with an AMD CPU? for some reason I thought you weren't supposed to mix AMD and nvidia. If I do need to go intel on a new CPU will I need to switch motherboards?
you can pair an AMD cpu with a Nvidia card no problem. and if you were to switch to intel you would need an intel motherboard. AMD cpus and Intel cpus use completely different sockets.
well I left some money in the low end of the budget for a CPU Cooler... I dunno if you overclock or monitor temps or whatnot... but I'd go ahead and get at least a CM Hyper 212 EVO... if you want a better cooler, look into Enermax, Noctua, and Phanteks options...
You can use the cooler later after you upgrade the mobo/CPU... but that should be a pretty nice gaming rig for a good while... the FX 6100 isn't a bad processor