So a while ago I made a coaster from a RTW Vector file provided by @Zavar. The usual, All rights to the RTW logo belong to Tek Syndicate, yada yada yada stuff applies.

This is going to be a very quick run down of converting a vector file into something printable. Im not going to explain how to 3D print it or how to make a Vector file as there are already plenty of tutorials.(Plus I dont really know what im doing half the time anyway.
So, Onto it.
Programs I used
Adobe Illustrator CS5
Starting off, We need a vector file to continue. You can use any old design and convert a path in Photoshop to a vector file, there are plenty of tutorials on how to do this so for the sake of simplicity and for this tutorial, Ill use the RTW Logo vector.
Note, This file has two drawings in it. Separating the two is as simple as selecting one and deleting it, preferably the white one.

First open the vector file in Illustrator. This is where all the 2D work will be done.

To produce a printable 3D model of a vector, depending on the vector file, you may need one, two files or more vector files to produce the 3D object you want. In this case we need 2. The first containing the full vector image. This is the top half of the model we will print. But to keep everything together, we also need a background file so smaller islands and parts of the flame don't print as their own individual objects.
The first vector is easy. Save the complete vector as a .SVG. This is the format Tinkercad uses.
The second file requires a little work.
Select then right click the vector image in Illustrator and click Isolate Selected Compound Path
This lets you drag part of the vector image away.
Isolate the background from the rest of the image and copy the outline to your clipboard (Ctrl + C)
Open a new file in Illustrator and past the new vector (Ctrl + V). You should end up with this.
Now just save this as a .SVG file like the first one and its time to move to Tinkercad.
Register/Log in to, Create a new file.
On the right select Import, File, Chose File.
Start with one of the .SVG files and import. You will have to mess with the scale to upscale or downscale depending on the .SVG you are using, But don't worry, The other .SVG file should use the same scale.
Import the second file and use the arrow in the center of the object to scale the height. Line everything up and yopu should end up with something like this.
From there you can ether continue adding to the 3D model or download the .STL for 3D printing under Design, Download for 3D Printing.
Print using your favourite software or do as you wish.
My complete file is available here for those wishing to just print their own RTW coaster
Have fun!