Making my own VPN/endpoint

Alright, here's the speal:

My parents are English as a second language teachers with an Non-government organization. (Humanitarian Org.) and are getting ready to move out of country and are trying to get American internet while their over seas.

I was wondering if there was a way that the could connect P2P to my internet here in the states. they'll be 12 hours in front of me, so their traffic won't slow down mine.

any way to do this?

Yes. What operating systems and hardware are at your disposal? pfSense, FreeNAS, Linux? DD-WRT? Something else? OpenVPN should do the trick, it's just a matter of getting it set up.

I'm rebuilding my system before they go and using the old hardware for a dedicated firewall/vpn.

I don't suppose you know any good tutorials? this kind of stuff is a bit out of my range of experience...

Those may be a bit old but should give you the general idea.