Hey everyone, recently I've wanted to make a cheap wireless extender with parts I have laying around my house. I'm expecting there to be some latency, I know, but I don't mind since I won't be gaming on it.
What I have laying around:
A netbook with a 160GBHDD, Intel N450 and 1GB of ram, with an Ethernet port and WiFi adapter
Wireless Router with an Ethernet Lan/Internet input
A short Ethernet cable
Ethernet crossover cable (not sure if its useful)
Tons of different .ISO files (lots of different flavors of Linux, lots of different windows .ISO files)
My plan was to connect my netbook to the already existing WiFi signal, tell my netbook to route the signal to output out of my Ethernet port to the router, and then broadcast a different wireless name/password from my second router.
Explanation with more words, and hopefully better explained plan:
Wireless router 1 (broadcasting internet to other devices) ---> Netbooks wireless adapter picks up the signal and connects to wireless router 1 ---> Turns the WiFi Signal that the netbook connects to, and then outputs the internet signal through the Ethernet Adapter to Router 2 which is connected to the netbook by that Ethernet cable ---> Router 2 turns the Ethernet connection into a WiFi connection which can then be connected to, to acess the internet.
Would this work? Is it possible? How would I do this, and with which O.S? I've tried looking around but couldn't find anything to help. Hopefully the smart people of this website could help!