Making Analog Gauges Display Temperature?

I'm building a pc in an old rack mount with wheels and I'm going for a power plant control room vibe.The attached image sort of gives an idea of the look I'm going for.

I plan on putting a few analog gauges similar to the ones in the picture below on the machine and I want to have them display information like cpu, gpu, and possibly motherboard temperature as well as fan speed but I don't know of any boards I can buy that will allow me to do that.

It doesn't need to be spot on as the gauges are really just there to add some movement to the case.



please google before asking something....

have you even tried googling: analog gauges pc

you should get a cheap 3rd party arduino to make it easy


Having personally done this sort of thing i think i can comment.

the easiest, and by a long shot, is to wire in a milliampere gauge (20mA on a LED, so you want a gauge in that range) to the HDD activity LED. the needle will move back and forth with the change in activity. i know its not a temp gauge but its the simplest movement gauge to make. you can use gauges in the microAmpere range provided you can find the right resistor. i have a 0-100 uA gauge on a 47k ohm resistor and it works fine for HDD activity

temperature and voltages will not fluctuate much, so they dont make for vibrant gauges, gauges connected to activity LEDs are the best. you could even add one to the DVD rom led

You can also go the route that Fawkes is suggesting provided you can make/ find a sketch for an ardunio. but the main problem here is if you have to make any PCBs to fit into the Ardunio. custom making PCBs is no joke. you will have to do a lot of reading up on this, good luck man.


Some one has used an Arduino to make analog gauges.

check it out

also a youtube vid

should be easy to make as u litterally just have to but the stuff, you could also mod it to show temperature