Making a Lamp Monitor - Connectors?

Evertime I see you (Logan) play with that lamp monitor you have, I get jealous (awesome job on making it btw Wendell). I must have one. My friend recently trashed his iMac, and I yoinked the parts. Really, the only question I have is: What connectors do I need to make the monitor from an Apple iMac MA199LL turn into a HDMI monitor powered by a wall socket? I should be able to do the rest. If it is ridiculously hard to get/mod or ridiculously expensive, what is the cheapest monitor set up I could get and do this with? (prefferably smaller and 1920X1080+) If I could make it touchscreen I would be a very happy Tek watcher. (Obviously only applies if the iMac screen doesn't work.)



Using the imac's screen sounds tricky since one'd imagine it's using an LVDS connection and since it's apple the controller is likely proprietary.

You can get a monitor arm commercally - they cost like 30 to 40 bucks if you're lucky. 

Thanks for the idea. This guy is $20. Where can I get a cheap 7-14" monitor to mount on it. Everywhere I look, they seem pretty pricey.

if anyone has a source for the screen in the new nexus 7, and knows what kind of connector that is, that'll be whats next.. eyefinity with those.. they are 1920x1200 I think. Would love to do one of those also. or three.



Did you look at craigslist? :p