This kind of shit is why I moved to Linux on all 3 of my laptops. Ugh. Anyway. I run Win10 on my desktop for gaming, SolidWorks, Matlab, AutoDesk, etc. I was gonna play some GTAV, but decided to reboot while I made dinner as my desktop had been sitting for a couple days and it's sort of on the edge of running GTAV smoothly. Didn't realize I was in for some dank Windows Updates. I pressed restart without thinking before I could stop myself.
I made dinner, ate dinner, cleaned up, etc. and the update was still ongoing. It was slow as all hell (maybe I got the Creators Update?). Once it finally finished, I had no ethernet connection. Nothing had physically been reconfigured about my system. My device manager said that the controller couldn't be initialized. "No problem," I thought. I'll just reinstall the driver. Well, a driver reinstall, some command line time, and 3 or 4 reboots/power-downs + reinstalls later and I get frustrated, turn it off, and make some tea. I finish my tea, turn it on to try and figure it out some more, and it miraculously works.
I have no idea what changed over the course of these two hours. One minute shit's fucked, one minute it's fine. In Linux I imagine I could have sorted such an issue out in a few minutes. Sigh. No GTAV for me tonight. Time to go to sleep instead.
Well, in Linux you probably won't have problems with ethernet, but I still have to hold my tongue at the correct angle to get bluetooth to work. At least it is [current year] so wifi works 99% of the time. Welcome to the club! Let me know if you find a good linux equivalent of Solidworks
Yeah. i moved to linux when a forced windows update broke my wifi. Said fuck it cause wifi was now as fucked in windows as in linux. Have not looked back since.
I suspect it won't be long before they just push a Linux versions of all these industry programs. If the market's there, they'll do it. I'm just waiting for enough free time to get VM friendly and learn about hardware passthrough so I can run that handful of programs I need in Windows in Linux.
On my Windows 10 test machine, which has an RX480 GPU in it, the Windows update decided that I needed an nVidia driver, as it apparently detected an nVidia GT220 on my system. I've never owned such a card though, never touched one, and it's a pretty old card to be detected on such a new system. I looked into the installed applications, and there is no nVidia install on the system, but the driver is on the system. No automated update for the AMD GPU came through with Windows update, I had to fetch that manually. The AMD card works though, there is just a useless nvIdia driver for some old low end card on my system now. Microsoft is just raving mad lol, there isn't anything fucked up enough to pack it in an update and force it down the line to users. It's totally arbitrary and erratic. Have to dive into Powershell again to get rid of it though, Windows is so annoying with all of the required command line work that is necessary to have a normal system, there isn't a single operating system in the world that requires that much user botch work in command lines and obscure settings to get to a stable and usable system. It's just crazy.
Some recent update broke my computer's ability to successfully wake from sleep. I'm not sure if its windows 10 or Nvidia at this point and I've been too busy to care... I just want stuff to not break on me on its own without me making any changes to the system.
Did Zoltan just complain about having to use CLI? Dafuq?
That said Windows is now a GUI on top of powershell, instead of the other way around. Many of the management things are moving over to powershell commands but there's typically still a GUI way to fix the problem.
My laptops are moving full-time to Linux to get me used to the environment before I eventually move to it on my desktop. I'm still way too comfortable with Windows, and that makes me uncomfortable. Windows patronizing and condescending me every time I do something is starting to get on my nerves.
It's beyond a mess. Trying to learn that shit from scratch is the ultimate pain in my ass. I'm wanting to migrate our domain controllers to a headless server and I just can't do it with absolute confidence right now... and I don't have the time to sit down and learn it from scratch; everything I do I just have to piece together.
In linux if your drivers suddenly stop working its your fault most of the time, not the idiots that update the code. Then you can just go back through your steps and undo what you did and shit works.
And that is what I've been loving about it. Installing and uninstalling shit is is pretty clean and super easy, and troubleshooting is comparatively a breeze.