Hey there!
I am seriously considering dropping ~1.5k on a MBP 13".
Now, I have never owned a Mac and the only experience I have with them is the few cases I HAVE to use the universities Macs instead of using my laptop for stuff like printing.
Now, I’m not all that much into Mac or anything but… I have had nothing but trouble with Windows Laptops. As I use my laptop solely for work, I want something I can turn on and rely on it working.
Atm I am using a Sony VAIO Pro 13. Dual Booting Arch Linux and Win 8.1. Now, the bluetooth is dead, for some odd reason, and Sony is giving me a hard time about RMA (you have to do Factory reset first!!! → Which I can’t as I formatted the whole laptop when Installing arch and windows.] and so on and so forth, now I could send it in but risk like 200$ for “wrongly RMAing” which surely isn’t the case but ya…
Now I have considered the MBP. The programs I use daily are M$ Office, Gimp, Axuse, SPSS, R, Sublime-Text and google docs, so nothing too fancy and they’d all run on mac aswell.
My problem with WIndows laptops is that either they’ve got shitty specs (like the lenovos appart from the x2 carbon but that’s somewhat over my budget at 2.5k) or are simply bad specs and poo poo all together, or rather not reliable.
I am seriously considering buying an MPB just to have this peace of mind of walking into a presentation and have my laptop work. Linux is way too unreliable (had to reinstall linux on 2/3 PCs after the kernel update yesterday) and Windows is not reliable at all I found.
Do you have any consideration you’d share with me to keep me from buying a MBP (nice screen, 8gb ram, 256gb pcie ssd with bootcamp)? Like I used to be really against buying apple stuff appart from iPods, but at the moment, I find them to be the only reliable laptops.
I am looking for → Nice screens, somewhat decent CPU (dual core with HT will do), RELIABLE and battery life at 8h+
thanks guys