Let's say..."hypothetically" I needed to run a computer close-ish to a few large industrial magnets with varying rates of change.... I understand a hard drive has no chance, but what about a solid state drive? I'm concerned that those varying rates might cause damage to a solid state drive? What options do I have?
could you build a faraday cage?
Not a bad idea...I could if you think it would help?
what equals industrial magnets and what equals close? Hard drives actually have an impressive resistance to magnets because of how quickly magnetic field strength degrades. I doubt an ssd would be damaged by the varying rates of magnetic field strength. also, what constrains you from moving the computer further away? and I'm no expert but a faraday cage would keep out electro magnetic interference, is that the same as a magnetic field?
after brushing up on a few readings, yes a faraday's cage will have a positive impact on the life and performance of your hard drive or even just sensitive computer equipment when in the presence of a magnetic field.
+1 right again ... you are a robot savant.
Monster magnet meets computer...:
+1 good vid for a "neck beard" lol
you know I just kid ... right?
BTW ... I want to see some food tomorrow!
Dude two six inch neodymium magnets would be dangerous as hell if they were in close proximity to one another. OUCH!.
Thanks Ratzzz
I think no matter what SSD is the best option for your environment but you are going to want to protect your rig anyway.
here is an idea Use one of those metal garbage cans. You may have to secure it somehow as your magnets will want to interact with the can ( IDK how strong your magnets are but if they are anything like the ones in "Prey" you might have a problem ) This article details the construction a bit better for the can
finally here is an article that describes other methods.
basically all you need is a frame and some metal screen. I didn't see it in either of the articles when I glanced at them but I would ground that shit too.