Made in USA PC

Chinese products are notorious for being crummily made by children in slavery to the communist government. I am on a quest to build a PC out of parts that are all made in the USA.

Please help me find the different components needed for a PC, ones that are made in the USA.

Sorry to break your heart. but if you want a computer made in MURICA' you'd have to get a Mac lol. then again you'd still be getting a computer that has components that is not made in MURICA'. so you still aren't getting a MURICAN' made computer really.


Sounds like a very tall order to accomplish, as many electronic / digital components are sourced from Asia.

To make this short, no chance. Most (if not all) components that would make up a PC are either manufactured or use parts that are made in asian countries.

That for one,
Mushkin SSD's/RAM's

If I remember other us companies making their stuff in us, i'll let you know. There are few (and few amd cpu's were made in global foundries in usa)

@Kat by that understanding everything is made in usa. (though not really made in 'murica.

there are only 2 mobo manufactuars who aren't based in thailand

and the ones that don't still have them made in other countries

Good luck finding a mobo or a GPU where every single capacitor and FET is made in the U.S....

I know what you mean, but mobo's and gpu's/cpu's are hard case to crack because those big companies see only profit.

anything made in the US today is also notorious for being a piece of junk because they have to skimp on quality to afford to make it since its so expensive to do so in the US

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mushkin is actually quite good. (beats asian memory in quality and performance)

Even then only the $2,000+ Mac Pro will get you something made in America.

All their other products that actually sell in any volume are made in China (oh yes, Pegatron):

Yes but that's the point, it is impossible to have a 100% american made PC. Not to mention that the reasons from OP for wanting one are ridiculous.

Partly because of this. American made does not mean that it is automatically of higher quality, and since so many parts are made by high-precision machinery anyway it doesn't really matter whether that machine is located in the U.S. or in China.

You could get a Fujitsu laptop/desktop which are Made in Germany.

Raspberry Pi's are made by Sony in Pencoed (UK), also.


its much easier to get whole made pc in usa; just get something old like 386 or 486 :)

going to watch that vid kai :)

this is true, it all really comes down to the manufactuar, even then some make both good and cruddy stuff

you pretty much have to research everything to get all great quality components

which may or may not be made by a kid

I've seen a lot of shody work from prebuilt PCs and they often use Raidmax and diablotek shit

we who invented the assembly line, can't even assemble worth a damn anymore

thats true, but there are few good ones.

yep research your product and get the best one regardless of where its from

Research your product and you'll realise it's sourced from all four corners of the globe. That's just globalisation.

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Mobo -> Supermicro (Chinese name guys run it, but its based in California) someone would have to research them more ~
Some IBM (whole servers are made in usa, but only ones banned for export for few next years)
IBM HDD's are made in their factory in USA (very expensive)