i would like to make a small batch of head phone amplifiers some what similar to the KVM switch. i would assume a smaller volume of units and completely different function, but similar as far as prototyping , ordering pcbs, assembling, and distributing. I almost have a board prototyped, well assembled on a bread board what ever that stage is in devolpment is called. where would i start sourcing the components, PCBs, and housing? i want to assemble and QC in house.
quick google says there are a few, such as
you should reach out to any of them
Digi key etc for components
Honestly would probably just sell your unit as a DIY kit w/ optional assembly service. With the market as flooded as it is its going to be quite hard to get into it but good luck.
For designing PCBs I suggest getting started with KiCAD
For making PCBs I’ve used OSH Park with very good results
For components you can find just about anything you could ever want at Mouser and/or DigiKey
For testing you will have to figure out what to test and how to test it. Being an audio amplifier you’ll probably want to find out how to test things like SNR, THD, frequency response, and more. How to find those things is beyond me outside of a fancy oscilloscope.
Cases you could either use a stock case from any number of suppliers, if you want a custom case contact either one of the existing case suppliers or a metal fab shop.
3D printing is an option too
What you plan to do is quite similar to what the guys at Schiit do - https://www.schiit.com/about
Shoot them an email, they’re nice people.
I saw a video of a factory tour where they make the boards and test them. In it they explain the logistics of everything, from prototyping, pcb design and layout (they can help you, depending on what you want your design to do,) to start of build, to built product, including testing on the manufacturer’s side. I can’t find the video, might have been taken down / made private.
In that video they also say where they get their enclosures from, which is a different company.
wow you all are so awesome it gives me alot more confidence with all these positive responese! Thanks much! i will get started on all the reseach sweet
yes i bought some mosfets from mouser years ago so just looked them up they have a great site now compared to 15 years ago lol. and yes a good scope was once of my first big electrical research buys and my function generator.
Digikey and Mouser have been mentioned for parts.
AFAIK Digikey also has a PCB service. Enjoy the pain of getting a non-shit-tier PCB layout