MacBookPro 17"

I love my MacBook Pro 17".


Bought it in Jan and use for lots of Facebook & E-Mail.


Works like a charm! So upset they did not make a new 17" one though.


Anything Apple makes, I will buy... no questions asked. I love Apple.


The MBP is the #1 computer on Earth, it was just over 3,100 bucks and well worth every dollar. I use it all the time for Facebook & E-Mail, and a little web browsing.


I take super good care of it too, it's like my baby!

Sounds like every Apple user to me. Nice troll.

What it's like to own an apple product

Ah...must be someone who got wind that we don't like Apple products so much. 

Have fun with your 17" Macbook Pro... oh wait, didn't Apple discontinue the model because nobody can afford it, and it's extremely overpriced compared to the high-end gaming laptops on the market? You will probably need to buy a new Macbook in the end of the year, because that is Apple policy.

My MacBookPro 17" got my girlfriend prengant, paid my electric bill, and won me tickets to see Styx live at the Meadow Lands!

Every night I give it a lovely sponge bath (with scented bar soap not salts).

I don't know what I'd do without my sleek silver companion by my side. How else would I read wikipedia, video chat, and play peggle at the same time?

My custom built gaming machine sure can't do that.

Thankfully my MBP 17" is here to solve all of my computing problems. It's MacTastic!

Thats an amazing comic! Deffinitely true.

Haha, love it!

Umm... 3.1k just for facebook and email, AppleLogic

Wait is this CyberDemon with another account?


lol, i wouldnt put it past him.

No. Good idea, though. I'll have to try that some time.

Trust me I work at fry's and I see people come in and say that they only want Apple.

One person bought the new Macbook pro, and came in to the store to upgrade the ram and bitched about why we can upgrade it with after marker ram.

Another came in cause the ssd failed on him. Our store manager had to tell them to buy a new one cause they are un-repairable and non-upgradeable.

Not only that but they bitched about why we sell laptops like that. My bosses answer are was, " BECAUSE APPLE IS MAKING YOU THINK ITS GREAT AND YOU FELL FOR IT!!!"

I really enjoy using my laptop... not sure what all the fuss is about.

Apple makes good products that I enjoy, and there's no crime in that.

Keep in mind, some people are wiling to pay a lot more for the creme of the crop.

I was disappointed to see they discontinued the 17" model. However, this one shoud last me at least a year - So I am okay.

Also, I just have a 764mb hd drive in here, so I do not have to worry about my SSD failing like Alex is concerned about.

Just wanted to share with everyone on here my expeience with Apple and appreciation for their dedication to design and innovation.

To be honest, it sounds to me as if a few of you seem to be jealous that Dell, HTC, Samsung & Google are not as creative as Apple with product development and don't really have the expeinece necessary to raise the bar that Apple does. It's a shame to see so many people on here who appear very bitter - I'm not a therapist, but bitterness is bogus.

As for me, I am very excited for the next iPhone, I am definitely going to get one... and I am also waiting for a new thinner 27" iMac to pick up too.

Some people pay more to have a premium computing experience... I owned a cheap Dell laptop before this and it was terrible. So glad to have a "real" laptop now - And 3k is not a bad price, it's an investment in my life and in my future. Beats the heck out of using some lame HTC or Compaq computer.

Some people pay more to have a premium computing experience... I owned a cheap Dell laptop before this and it was terrible. So glad to have a "real" laptop now - And 3k is not a bad price, it's an investment in my life and in my future. Beats the heck out of using some lame HTC or Compaq computer.

I think they did not make it this time because the retina screen in 17" would have been too much. But they still make the tower apple machine and we all know that people are not buying those kinds of computers anymore.

Either way, I am sure my macbook will last me through the year :)

are you saying my computer can not be upgraded? that doesn't make sense to me.. I can add more to the hd drive and to the sdd anytime. 

are you saying my computer can not be upgraded? that doesn't make sense to me.. I can add more to the hd drive and to the sdd anytime.