Mac upgrad

hey everybody!

My dad wants to upgread his mac a lot. he neede a new SSd insead of the HDD and 8Gb of ram beacaus it s realy slow.

i was thinking of a samsung 840 evo laptop ssd and corsair mac memory but i don t know any thing about compability so her are a few spesification of the mac 

:Build 13C64

ram clock: 1067Mhz

so is the ssd and the ram good for the mac?

i you need the serial number of the mac i can give it.

thanks you

Any SSD will work. You are dumb if you buy Mac RAM. Any RAM will work fine; don't overpay for shit because it says "Mac" on it. Just get the cheapest RAMs you can find. I use 8x8GB of generic DDR2 1066MHz in my old PowerMac G5 Quad. You should just get the cheapest generic RAM you can find.

Actually I know quite a few examples of coworkers that have had trouble with Mac upgrades, mostly because the OS X drivers are pretty shitty for lots of components.

With RAM I'd only be concerned with the compatibility with the motherboard, but I know 2 examples of aftermarket SSDs freaking out on OS X so it's justified to ask around before you jump in.

I can assist with suggestions on your mac upgrades, I worked for Apple for over 3 years then worked for an Apple warranty/service center for another 4 years. I was an Apple certified technician up until about a year ago. With the serial number, I can tell you exactly what will work for you and provide a couple options. you can either post in here or PM me. 

the serial number is :w8018lrnagu


Based off the serial number you have a MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid-2010)

For Ram it maxes out at 8GB and uses SO-DIMM DDR3 PC8500, you Don't need to but special "Mac or Apple" ram it is all the same. I would however buy a decent quality brand like Corsair. I don't know what kind of suppliers you have available to you, but in the states two 4GB sticks will run about $75US

The Samsung EVO is a great SSD, I love mine. I picked up a 500GB EVO for about $300US. Very easy to install and if you use a 2.5in SATA to USB enclosure, you can use Carbon Copy Cloner to copy the data. 

These instructions are for a 13in MacBook Pro but the steps are exactly the same.

thanks you a lot for the help i couldn't have done this alone!

YOU aren't supposed to start a sentence with "but". 

Languadge is also spelled " language".

There is no such language as "Swiss." There are Swiss dialects of German, that can be fairly different from Hochdeutsch which I suppose you could call "Swiss," but in general people in Switzerland speak German. Many also speak French and Italian depending on the region you are in.


Yeah, hopefully this isn't offensive. But

After "Yeah" is a comma. After "offensive" is a full stop. 

In my case I speak normaly french