Hi Guys, my little sister is really into Mac's and has them all over the place, she well up into that eco system and me? Not a fan too closed a system and as such I know very little about Mac's and their OS's and today she has a virus but no AV protection. I have no idea what to recommend, I mean I can recommend something like Kaspersky or Sophos as I know them but I do not know anything about how good they operate on Mac or how resource hungry they are.
She is pretty non-technical and I have been telling her to get something on her Laptop but to-date nothing. At the moment her system is compromised and I am not there to look at it myself so I have to give her general advice.
Any suggestions?
99% of "Viruses" that I see in OSX are just browser hijackers. So honestly, install adblock and you lower your chances of getting one.
If you need an AV, Avast is one of the decent ones out there for OSX.
Pretty much. You don't need antivirus in Windows and you really don't need it in OS X either.
I know I dont need an AV, I have not had one for about 6 maybe 8 years and never any issues but then again I tend to wipe my OS every year or so but that is me. she just clicks on anything and will download any program from any location, install all kinds of crap. She lives 5 hours from me, I'd rather not have to drive up just to fix something that a program can look after automatically.
Plus, she already has a virus :D
Like I said install adblock, no more ads for her to click on thus lowering her chances of doing something dumb.
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Kaspersky actually has a OSX version of their software
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at work we use clamxav but I am not sure how well it works since we have never had to use it. I am pretty sure you can just get it from the app store. Also about the distance problem just set up a remote desktop program I have one on my main computer and I can access it anywhere now.
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I run LittleSnitch so while I might not have something pop up saying "hey you've got a virus" I do get a notification that a new process is trying to access the web. So it's more of a secondary level of protection but it means that nothing is slowing down file access. Worth a look...