Mac keyboard problems

I have a 4 year old Mac book laptop that is out of warranty. The letters on my keyboard won't work but the numbers do. I have tried all the troubleshooting on the apple web site and forums. Now the battery in my laptop needs to be replaced can that kill my keyboard? My keyboard was replaced by apple before. im not sure if anyone spilled anything on the keyboard. I pulled off a few keys to look and I didn't see anything Like soda underneath. But there's no way to tell if its was water. Any ideas?

If the batteries need tobe replaced then...replace the batteries? Is it the bluetooth or wired keyboard

It's built in keyboard.

It s a built in keyboard on a Mac book laptop

Switch to windows. That solves all your problems. 

Try removing the keyboard (not sure if possible on macbooks..) or something similar and cleaning it with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol (the kind that is acetone free).

Also it may not be hooked in completely correctly (like the ribbon cable or something), so if its possible to get it off to check you could make sure its in there correctly. Sometimes technicians don't check their handy work beforehand.

Stop giving out unhelpful answers please.

Again, never taken one apart, but ^this^ for sure. If that doesn't work, then try booting with a USB KB and see if maybe your KB extensions are screwed up somehow? I doubt it as it really sounds hardware, but never know.