Ma netflix got stoleded

OK my netflx somehow got changed to (my actual address but at a bs domain) along with my password. when I called netflix to fix it the call center person told me my account defiantly was not stolen because the email my account got changed too was so similar to my original. is of course a temporary email provider and call center people are maybe not the sharpest tacks.

This concerns me, the only thing I watch nexflix on is my Chromebook. I have recently dual installed gallumOS via chrx Installation following the directions layed out here

I cant recall if I used nexflix on the galliumOS half but I did install a shit ton of kodi plugins from shady shady sources that I defiantly should not have trusted. I do use this computer for banking so these are not great things but only on the chromeos half for sure though so thats safe??, what should I do now? I diffidently used my email on the gallium half.

I guess I’ll have to do a full reinstall of chromeos and then reinstall galliumos and change all my inportant passwords

Did you try and call them multiple times or get into contact with their support email? Sometimes you get that one really shitty call center person that wont listen to reason.

that dose not matter I have my account back, they did change my email back and reset my password but the issue at hand is restoring the security of my device, because they got my account info somehow and i’m probably not dumb enough to fall for phishing attempts.

Also I recently did insecure things with my computer as explained in my OP.

Not much you can do but secure the devices around you. i would setup a new password on everything you use and trust no account to be safe. Could also wipe devices that you no longer trust. Just be sure that you get new install media from a device you do trust. No library computers, virus ridden computers, etc.

Lesson learned?? Just be glad that nothing too bad happened this time. We all have to be impacted on bad security at some point.

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this not necessarily the issue though, I don’t need to be told the obvious

… Not trying to be rude, but yea perhaps you do need to be told the obvious.

A fresh install of Chrome OS, and perhaps making sure that 2 step authentication is set up on your devices.


Im didnt know that you knew. Better safe than sorry

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to be fair the chrome os half is encrypted so anything foolish I do on the galluim side should it should not be possible to bleed over. I use chromeos for most secure things
also any kodi plugin worth having is shady as fuc by there very nature.
I defiantly should not have signed into my email on questionable os and maybe netflix if I did, I don’t remember doing that.
but yes I know I sould probabley do that but usefull responces are security flaws I may have missed.

Not trying to be rude I do appetite people taking there time to respond to my posts.

i wouldnt even trust chrome os at this point even though its encrypted because you really cant even trust it

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idk malware smart enough to infect outher OSes on the same machine that can break encryption using the cell phone processor in my 5 year old Chromebook that also target linux seems pretty far fetched. I dont even know if that is how they got my Netflix password. Also if I check the Netflix assess log only my IP addresses are listed

Do you really want to take that chance? They were in far enough to change your netflix account information. Who knows what they could have done. While the malware might not be smart enough, it could have setup a reverse shell and a actual person could have logged in.

They had access to your machine. They could have easily done something in the background without you knowing all from you IP

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not necessarily though. the security flaw could be something else

Its probably not even related to your chromebook. If you have used that same email/password combo on another site that didn’t adhere to security and they got compromised then the crackers probably went “oh this guy might have a netflix account lets check” as they do with other outlets. If this happened, then you basically fucked yourself.

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I do not know the complexity of your Nextflix password but it is likely that it could have been bruteforced and your device isn’t compromised in anyway.

There is a big market for cracked Netflix accounts.

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This. You can go to forums like hackforums and its loaded with lists upon lists of netflix accounts. They’re super easy to get into and farm. I wouldn’t worry so much about it.

I had a similar thought. I checked the IP log a little more carefully and found the one that is not mine. looks like it was a Comcast xfinity hotspot. Comcast will let non customers connect to there hotpots for an hour after jumping through some hoops. idk what state they where in because the hotspot IP addresses are only listed as being from like three differint states for the whole country but it would seem probably not Chinese or Russian hackers just some home grown assholes.
I do use my unimportant generic password I use for everything i’m not worried about on netflix because if it dose get hacked I can get it back and I let other people use it sometimes.