M5A99FX PRO R2.0 Heat Problem?

My friend has the following rig:
M5A99FX PRO R2.0
2x4 8GB 1866MHz Corsair Vengeance CL9
ASUS GTX 660 2 2GB O.C.
Corsair 750WTM + 80
Akasa Venom Cooler
And here is a picture of the motherboard (he argues) that gets extremely hot when he plays games. He is running 1920x1080, usually high settings, filters turned off. He says that the parts outlined below (in red) gets really hot and he can't even touch it. However, the ASUS All Suite program reports the MB as around 40c. BTW, he has updated the bios. 
Any ideas why this is happening? How accurate is the 40c from the ASUS program? Any ideas to prevent this from happening?

Always use the BIOS/UEFI for checking temperatures. I often use HWMonitor to keep an eye out on my temps and it is in line with the bios -/+ 2 degrees. and 40c is very normal for that. If he says that it gets hot to the touch, what case does he have and how many fans?

He has the Corsair C70. He has 3 fans. 2 intake 1 exhaust. All of them are 120mms. He says he has another old system right next to it (dual core system) and the case is open and no fans and he has no heat problems. Any ideas? 

First, monitor the temps in the bios and report back

In bios, 23/24c degrees. 

Good. and when there is a game running, the temps normally go up in temperature. 40c is very normal for gaming in terms of temps.

if they didn't get hot they wouldn't need heatsinks, 40 is cold for electronics, but pretty warm to the touch

The heatsinks being hot to the touch is okay, as the people above have said 40 Celsius is fine and normal. (I have an amd fx cpu and an asus motherboard too. (The 6300 and the M5A97 R2.0 ( Actually, I also have an old dual core (now kind of a server) computer next to my main pc too :p )  

Oh and why is he touching the motherboard while gaming?

Thanks guys. Problem solved. 

THats nice then i can lock this thread.

Grtz Angel ☺