M&K Tea kickstarter needs your help!

Full disclosure: I am not affiliated with M&K Tea. I have been a long time subscriber to their youtube channel, and just wanted to show support; especially due to how well thought out and organized their KS campaign is. I have not backed this campaign because I am not in a stable financial situation to be able to do so. I wanted to help them succeed, and the best thing I could think of was try to promote their KS (within reason, of course.)

here is the link to the KS page:

At the time of writing this, they have about 1/10 their funding goal, which they have earned in the 6 days this campaign has been running.
Help the small businesses grow :D Show your support!

Thanks I'll send this to my wife sheruns a large b&b with high tea and this stuff looks right up her alley. The green tea looks primo. I'll have her contact them and see if they can do some promo with her it would be great exposure for them.

Thanks for doing that! I'm certain they probably will appreciate it more than me.