Hi guys and girls,
originally I intended to build a 800 bucks pc, but I've re-evaluted my financial situation and what I really want of a pc right now and came to the solution that I would like to build a cubic pc.
Since the case I want to use only allows for a 21cm gpu I'm kind of limited to using a R9 270 or R9 270X Mini from HIS.
The question is just, which one I should take. Over at a vid from ncix it was basicly said, that the r9 270 is capable of overclocking that makes it actually better then the 270x, so I'm kind of wondering if I save some money and try overclocking. I've never done it but with msi afterburner it shouldn't be so difficult, or?
Another question would be if it would be necessary to get a diffret cpu cooler if I plan to overclock the athlon x4 860k a bit.
I want to use the coolermaster elite 110 mini-itx case and get two additional fans (8x8x2,5). Would that be enough to get a stable performance besides the case-fan (12x12) and the stock-cooler?
Greetings and yes, one answer would be: "Get a bigger case, that solves everything." But I didn't really came here to hear that.