My Razer Lycosa is really starting to get on my fucking tits and it's only over one thing.
The badly designed drivers for the media keys.
Everytime I try to use them during a game like play, pause, skip etc. the fucking thing minimizes the game.
Why the fuck would Razer design there drivers to do that?
It completely defeats the purpose of having media keys if it's just going to minimize full screen apps anyway.
So is there any way of changing it so it dosn't do that?
Because there isn't in the drivers at all.
are u using the latest drivers cuz i have a Lycosa and the media keys dont close any of my programs
yea i am i'm using driver v3.00 and it dosn't close the program it just minimizes them
oops  meant it dosnt minimize them lol, idk then, maybe theres a setting for that but i dont see it and i dont remember having to configure it not to do that
just looked it up. V2.03 fixed that problem, i guess try reinstalling drivers
like wooly4 said try reinstalling the driver im too a lycosa user so far i haven't experienced anything like that
srry off topic
does anyone know a way to make the Lycosa media keys work with foobar?