Lutris help? Undersanding?

Hello, I’m trying to understand before I install this game with Lutris.

I’m want to install Battlefield 3. But in the instructions it says:

To play multiplayer you must open Firefox inside the prefix and launch through there.

What the heck does that mean? I know it’s probably a noob thing to ask, but I’m confused. Any help? And how to do it?

Have you ever played BF3 before?

When you launch the game, it opens a browser tab and you choose your game mode through its “web portal” thing. whatever you select, itll hook into the game and launch it from there.

I have not done this but it was mentioned on reddit:

“Launch bf3 from battlelog in your native Linux browser by changing your user agent to a Windows one. No need to install Firefox in the Wineprefix. You just need to make sure Origin Web Helper is enabled in Origin’s settings.”

Hopefully that helps.

Yes, I have played it before. Don’t know why that felt insulting but it did. I’m sorry.

User agent? What the hell is that? And how do I change it?

Yes it helps, but I don’t understand it I guess? Still a noob I guess?

Using Ubuntu 18.04 if that matters.

Because it was passive aggressive.

Anyways the best way to do it is install a addin called agent switcher then changed agent to Win10 and goto battle log.

Got this working using your suggestion yesterday. Before you posted lol. But I figured it out, and thank you.

It crashed several times, but after a restart of the computer, it worked fine.