Low Power consumption Gaming PC

Long story short i spen lots of time gaming and the price of electricity is going up. I need a Gaming PC that is Cheep £250-£350 that has low power consumption, i am aiming for around 100 watts while playing games like minecraft that just use the CPU and when everything is maxed out (HDD, CPU, GPU etc) it uses around 150 watts at max. hope you guys can help.

If you go with on board graphics you'll save about 200 watts. Intel HD 4000 can game but I've only observed its capablities with a 4770. Furthermore, a 4770 s , and k start at about 84 watts . If you check AMD with their APUs which start at about 100 watts but deliver much better performance in gaming compared to the 4770k with onboard graphics for the price. If I were you a perfect build at that wattage that would be practical would uses the latest richland APUs.


I am guessing you are from the uk so I built it on the uk pcpartspicker.

http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/1tbDG this will probably pull around 150-200 watts.


I think this may be just the ticket, but do you know if there is any Intel equivalent to this, so around the same price and around the same Wattage? (intergrated intel graphics is not an option)