Low Fps gtx 980

I was just curious if anyone else has run into the issue in bf4 where your frames drop below 60 whether or not you lower the settings. Note Vsync is not on. I understand it may be my proc bottlenecking my gpu but i find it weird it would bottleneck so much. Usage stays around 60-80% in bf4.



I have an fx-8350 at 4.82Ghz

16gb of ram

crucial mx100 sdd

Gtx980 @1528Mhz

Hello bmin2709,

I see that you have your system very well overclocked. I remember a video by jayztwocents, another tech youtuber, who said he had to lower some of the overclocks in some games because he was getting a lot of inconsistency, as you are experiencing, with framerates. His was with the GTX 980 as well, but a different processor (i7 5960X). Things might not be syncing up very well and causing reliability and stability issues during games. I would suggest downclocking, in small increments, either your GPU or CPU and testing each increment to see if the usage becomes stable and framerates don't dip as much.


EDIT: He also had his i7 5960X and GTX 980 highly overclocked as well.

Is it only BF4?