Low End Gaming PC

HELLO TEK! This is my first post on the tek so take it easy on me.. lol


I'm thinking

AMD A10 5800K

4-8gb 2133 ram

Don't know about the rest... I want to build a low end budget gaming pc. The most demanding game that i'll play is either Minecraft or FIFA 13... I don't know if it'd be worth it to hybrid X-Fire the APU.. So,

- Needs to be able to play FIFA 13/Minecraft with the shaders mod without lag

- I want it to be as silent as possible

- Small form factor

- Aftermarket cooling for the cpu if the stock cooler is bad/loud

- $400 budget


The cheaper the better. 

if your budget is $400 check out Logans video here


also what resolution are you planning to game at?  my brothers FM1 APU does just fine while gaming at 1280x1024 runs Arkham City on the medium preset at around 30-40fps

Save an extra $150 bucks and blow your mind! this is almost identical to my build and Im running bf3 on almost all high settings with about 45-50 fps (coming off console this will be your best bet) you also get a choice on hardrive size!



What would be better a cheap intel CPU + an alright GPU or an AMD A10 5800k with a hybrid crossfire? I'm waiting on him to make an updated 375 budget PC :P 

Resolutions i'd like to play at are 720p or 1080p..

I'm switching from xbox.Just anything that's better than an xbox will do lol 


What do you think of this? http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kFf6