I'm looking to upgrade my rig at the end of this month and I really want to ask you guys what your suggestions would be. I'm going to be able to stick about $700.00 into it. I use my PC for all kinds of things so it needs to be versatile for gaming, streaming, coding, and maybe light video editing in the near future. I was thinking a new GPU, CPU, MOBO, and Keyboard. I respect your knowledge and would like an honest opinion.
Thanks in advance.
Do you have something like a microcenter nearby?
Option 1: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/MKgYmG
If you have a microcenter nearby, you can pickup a 4790K for just $249,- thats a steal.
Option2: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/xNjC4D
Option3: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/RRzWzy
R9-290 or 290X are still very decent cards for the money, especialy the R9-290´s, i think these cards are still great value for money. the Gigabyte 290 Windforce is slightly louder then the Sapphire 290 Tri X. But thats basicly the only con.
Offcourse a GTX970 perform better at 1080p then a R9-290 But it also cost roughly $120,- more. the GTX970 trade blows with a R9-290x in allot of games.
I think that i would aim for option 3, because the Gigabyte 290 Windforce OC is still a decent card, the 4790K will be great for gaming + streaming and also very fast in rendering. Especialy if you could pickup one at microcenter for just $249,-
Don't forget though, it's $249+Tax.
Any reason you chose the mobo that you did?
Looks like it haves SLI support and a nicely designed power delivery system.
looks nice as well.
its a good feuture packed board for the price.
You could offcourse look for something diffrent / cheaper if you like to. But with an unlocked K cpu you basicly want an Z97 chipsetboard to have fully overclockabillity.
If you dont care about overclocking at all, you could also concider a Intel Xeon E3-1231-V3 or E3-1241V3 with an H97 board.
But yeah thats up to you. ☺
makes sense. how do you feel about the asus 970 strix?
Great card, but I like the Gigabyte GTX 970 with the backplate a little bit better.
Amazing I/O, amazing cooler, and binned chips.
yes, or the Zotac AMP Omega