Looking to upgrade memory on Z87-G45

I have $190 coming on the 12th, and I'm looking for a good deal on good to a 2X8 memory kit. So far I've been looking at: 






I'm trying to keep the cost down to afford some stuff for the storage server and I'm partial to Corsair but I find the prices unreal at the moment. When I got my 2X4 Kit is was $40 what the hell happened? Ermm anyway. I'm open to suggestions and other sites or locations. I live in Missouri, US close to St.Louis if you point me to a store. 
I do overclock my i5-4670K and I have a H100i for clearance is not an issue. 
I may prefer Corsair but I'm open to other brands, but hell no to Transcend. I've been down that road before and never going back. Kingston seems trust-worthy but those are the only 3 I've played with, well add G.Skill that's in my storage server, but that's 1333 and was free. 

I can't go above $190 and I prefer to stay under $160 if possible. Thanks for your time, this is the most honest and trust-worthy forum I've ever been on and I'm glad that so far I've seen options not crammed in face answers. 

do you need more ram?

And what are the current rams you got? Because if you can find a 2x8GB kit with the same speeds, timings and voltage, you can besicly use them together.

i assume your goal is 24GB of total ram?

Currently running on CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 9-9-9-24. With an upgraded kit my current ones go to the server and the server's ram goes to another board that is currently ram-less to update a Core2quad DDR2 system. My goal is just 16GB. When not at work, I do a lot of browsing, some gaming, some virtualBox testings. Sometimes it seems 8 isn't enough. I'm also thinking it's either the board or the ram keeping my stable OC at 4.2 hoping a kit faster then 1600 might help that, but that's currently theory. 

I'd either grab the ripjaws or pro. The ripjaws to save money and not really have any noticeable performance impact. Or, the pro since its pretty and has better cas which some people may feel although I personally can't. I had my 1600mhz kit running at cl11 without noticing with my old overclock and I couldn't ever feel the difference .-.  

Thanks for your advice. I went with the Ripjaws