Been into PC hardware for a while and that's fine but I really would like to get into programming. I think people who don't code will probably left behind in the future and generally, I just feel disadvantaged and want it to be something I know how to do.
This question's probably been asked countless times but are there any particular languages you guys would recommending starting off with? And if so, are there any books in particular that helped you guys out on your epic quest into the dark abyss?
Cheers, stewart.
Programmings a great skill to learn... and yes, if we can automate your job with software, you may find yourself out of a job.
Typically I recommend Python, Ruby or javascript for beginners. There are tons of online resources, just search for them as you need them.
Instead of recommending a book that you'll probably get bored of half way through, I would recommend finding a small project to build and learning that way. It will make the learning process more enjoyable for you.
Post your project on github and ask for feedback. Then compare your code to other people who have done something similar and ask yourself why they did it the way they did.
An easy first project is to make a Magic 8-Ball. The requirements are simple:
1. Shake It
2. Return a random answer.
Give it a shot and post back here.
I would recommend starting a python, maybe playing around with the turtle module(maybe 2.7.6). Python is a good platform for going on to other languages. But to me it seems quite tedious it really depends on what you want to do. Python is a very friendly language, you can do I guess some mid level stuff quite fast an easy with it and learn the basics.
Python then C.
Python to learn the fundamentals; C to learn good programming practice.
Did OP make any progress? Lets see the code!