I'm wanting to build a gaming pc. I want to run games like mw3 and battlefield 3. Can you give me an idea of what mobo or cpu.or gpu.Im really confused on what to buy thanks so much
I'm wanting to build a gaming pc. I want to run games like mw3 and battlefield 3. Can you give me an idea of what mobo or cpu.or gpu.Im really confused on what to buy thanks so much
Really depends on what settings you want to play at and also what your budget is. As for the CPU, I'd recommend either an AMD FX-8350, or Intel Core i5 3570(k). If you want to overclock, go for the K edition. All AMD FX CPU's overclockl.
As for the GPU, a Radeon 7850 or GTX 660 or better are good candidates. The 7870 Tahiti LE (which is a little difficult to find since it doesn't have an official designation and blends in with other 7870s) is one of the best bangs for the buck, while offering great performance. I tend to lean towards Radeon cards as they typically perform better and cost less, though the GeForce GTX cards this generation use less power.
Try putting together a wish list (Newegg is good, also PC Part Picker) and post it here for feedback.
havent decided on much GPU
I'd start off with the 7870XT (It's the Tahiti LE I talked about, which is a trimmed 7950). What's the budget like. If you can afford a better GPU, I'd say go for it, but the 7870 Tahiti LE is one of the best bang for the bucks with high performance.