Looking to bounce my media server off a webserver

I am trying to access my media server from another IP in my apartment complex. The thing is that the WAN is port isolated by the ISP and since all the ports in the Apartment complex are connected to the same place, you can not ping from one PC to the other.

That said, I have a Digital Ocean droplet and was wondering if there was a server/service I could set up that would bounce/cache the Kodi server off the droplet to whatever client wanted access? My desktop would still run the Kodi server.

Since the droplet server only has 20GB and 512MB to work with, it would be nice to make it work somehow.

I would run an OpenVPN Access server on your droplet and connect both the media server and the client to the VPN. You can configure it so that they are essentially on a LAN.

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installed it on digitalocean following the tutorial but the server wont start because of some iptables error.

edit: changed to 12.04.5 and it works now