I found out that my local shop have some 5900x for 700€ and i am looking for a motherboard to get it with.
I work on linux full time, and in every MB review from L1T with the X570 it seam to have some issue with linux.
So i am asking to people who have them at home
I don’t have any budget, aside for the crazy 2k$. It will be more about “is it worth that much more”
staying away from MSI
Good driver support (bluetooth, audio lm-sensor
Good WAL support
Good power level support (sleep, deep sleep)
Good Bios Fan-curve support, awesome would be External temp sensor header for watercooling
good Iommu group to create a VM with the second GPU
integrated io plate
openrgb compatible
good ram frequency support
Good front audio
dual bios with switch
socketed bios
intel nic
64 GB ram without downgrading speed (no idea if it’s possible on that CPu to go over 32Gb in single rank)
in my dream:
10GB Lan integrated (no need for the addin 10GB sfp+)
What issue i found out until now
X570 AORUS Master
SMBus issue
ESS Sabre DAC issue (fix kernel 5.4.3 ?)
X570 Aorus Xtreme
Bios issue with NVME
Asrock X570 Taichi
Iommu issue with sata and only 2 pci
Asrock X570 Taichi Razer
Killer driver issue
iommu ??
missing ECC option in bios
X570 Creator
Bios issue
was not recommended on the review.
Biostar X570
Do you have any good recommendation ?
No hack or “it work most of the time” accepted since this will be a work computer. If it come to it will just wait for another platform.
I don’t do most of the things you wanted so I cannot tell you if they work. But I like the ASUS PRIME X570-PRO.
I am running Ubuntu on it, but with the 5.11.15-xanmod kernel. It did work with older kernels but ECC status and CPU sensors weren’t there for 5000 series Ryzen. It had worked for 3000 series though.
Aorus Master has been rock solid for me, and everything works out of the box.
Can’t go wrong with it if you’re planning on doing any kind of VFIO/GPU passthrough. The option to switch which GPU too boot from isn’t available on any non-gigabyte boards as far as I know.
I honestly dont think you will find what you need on the x570 platform. I have an Aorus Elite and it hits lots of the high points but lacks dual bios, 10gb lan, and the 2nd 16x (4x 4.0) slot runs through the chipset and is not direct to the CPU.
thats BS, pick the 570 or 560 based on the feature sets you are looking for.
Overall I have had great reliability with my Aorus Elite on the most recent BIOS. I cant test things like Bluetooth because my gear is in a rack 100’ from my office, but IMMOU groups are flexible and the BIOS fan never spins.
I currently run a triple slot GPU and can still fit a second in the 2nd slot.
as for sleep/power states, no idea I dont turn off my rack.
Depending on your linix distro. I know I’m new but if you want compatibility from my experience then find a Intel NIC. I have a B550, X570, X470 and having a realtec 2.5G nic was my downfall with linux, unless I did something new like Experimental Debian. Ubuntu does seem to work out of the box though. I don’t know if it helps but my experience as a less experienced user. I did get the X470 to work well with ASUS-WMI files for lm-sensors but it takes a little work.
The Aeorus Xtreme look to have a 10gb aquantia nic, I’ve seen a linus video where he mentioned issue with them but without details.
It look like no mater what, Atx is limited to 6 pci slot. So I will be limited to 1 triple slot, 1 dual slot and my network card when it comes to space.
Also, any update on the ASRock X570 Taichi Razer Edition ? I kinda like this card outside of the razer theme, ad it look like they’ve learned from there pitfalls since the last taichi
I don’t have any i2c/smbus devices to test with, and as for the sleep, the box is never off (so I’ve never bothered to see if it’s an issue) as it’s always serving VM’s with GPU pass-through / ton’s of docker containers etc.
The IOMMU groups are nice, and there’s decent amount of room between slots for GPU’s, I have a 6800xt (2.5 slot size) and a Vega64 (2 slot size) in slots 1 and 2 and could fit another in the last slot if needed.
I’ve got 2 m.2 nvme drives in there as well, with 2 GPU’s which will disable a couple of the SATA lanes (I’m not running any sata drives anyways), but that’s going to happen on all the X570 chips regardless of vendor.
It’s a perfect board for doing VFIO workloads on X570 for me due to the mentioned ability to change the boot GPU slot in the BIOS.
I don’t have the same use-case as you as far as the i2c/ sleep, so YMMV.
Unfortunately I am not that positive for the Auros Master. The sensors are on weird chip that might get support in kernel 5.13. Also I had problem starting it up after BIOS update - there is no signal on the monitors and it takes some magic to make it work.
But is is ideal for VFIO and that’s why I use it and like it. But if I am not using VFIO I am not sure I will take it again.
The WiFi and bluetooth work with no issue on Arch.
Here is output of the sensors
$ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +51.0°C
Adapter: PCI adapter
vddgfx: 1.02 V
fan1: 910 RPM (min = 0 RPM, max = 3500 RPM)
edge: +69.0°C (crit = +97.0°C, hyst = -273.1°C)
power1: 16.04 W (cap = 36.00 W)
Adapter: ACPI interface
temp1: +16.8°C (crit = +20.8°C)
Adapter: ISA adapter
in0: 1.80 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +2.78 V)
in1: 600.00 mV (min = +0.00 V, max = +2.78 V)
in2: 992.00 mV (min = +0.00 V, max = +2.78 V)
+3.3V: 1.68 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +2.78 V)
in4: 1.79 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +2.78 V)
in5: 1.18 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +2.78 V)
in6: 2.78 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +2.78 V) ALARM
3VSB: 1.67 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +2.78 V)
Vbat: 1.65 V
fan1: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
fan2: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
fan3: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
temp1: +53.0°C (low = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C) sensor = thermistor
temp2: -55.0°C (low = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C) sensor = thermistor
temp3: +38.0°C (low = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C) sensor = thermistor
intrusion0: ALARM
Adapter: PCI adapter
Tctl: +66.0°C
Tdie: +66.0°C
Tccd1: +63.0°C
Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite: +51.9°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +84.8°C)
(crit = +94.8°C)
Sensor 1: +51.9°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)
Oh weird, I haven’t had any issues with the monitor signal after bios updates. I boot off the second PCIe slot.
I do always have to switch the monitor input to the first slot card when doing stuff in the bios like updating (just updated it a couple days ago to firmware F33i I think)it etc since the bios will output there. But the actual boot process goes to the second slot card (since that’s the way I have it configured in the bios).
I don’t know any magic so hopefully it keeps working for me.
Like most here has commented, first go for the feature set and then for the chipset and price.
I doubt you will find a motherboard that works to 100% with Linux, heck most won’t work 100% with Windows either especially older ones. It’s just that they don’t tell you what doesn’t work with Windows for the most part, while the Linux folks do love to complain about every little detail.
So, my advice is, do not overthink this. Do you need, say, WiFi working perfectly? No? Then do you really care if it doesn’t quite work? Of course, if you need that to work, then that is another matter entirely.
There are few reasons to get an X570 over a B550, it all depends on what you need and how much you are willing to spend. In general, I tend to recommend B550 at the $150 to $250, but above that price X570 is simply better.
The B550 Aorus Master, for instance, has for the most part equivalent or better features while costing $100 less than the X570 Aorus Master. The differences are:
The B550 is passively cooled
The B550 has HDMI and two extra USB 2.0 ports in the back
The X570 has Thunderbolt
The X570 has two Ethernet ports
The X570 has support for SLI
The X570 has an extra PCIe x1 port
The X570 has all expansions on PCIe 4.0
That’s pretty much it, minor differences but unless you really need SLI or such, well… Aorus IOMMU is decent even on B550 and has no problem doing a passthrough build for 2 GPU setup, but X570 does have the best groupings here.
That said, it is your dream build, you decide if no compromise is worth it.
Thank you for this detailed list of diff between b550 and x570.
I wish for “no compromise” since i usually keep my computer for a long time.
My 3970X is now 9Y old, boosting at 5.7GHZ and working well.
So i have no budget for it, and i am OK spending the 900$ for the Aeorus Xtreme if it feet my need for example.
After doing some feature comparison, the Aeorus Xtreme actually look worse than both the Asrock X570 Taichi Razer and the Crosshair Viii Dark Hero aside for the 10GB nic.
The Asus one look to be the most feature complete, but i don’t have faith in asus to keep the driver up to date … and i don’t know about how it work on linux yet.
The aeorus master have blutooth 5.0 instead of 5.1, lower supported ram spec and less usb3 port… so i am more leaning on either Asrock X570 Taichi Razer and the Crosshair Viii Dark Hero IF they allow me to pass what i need to a VM.
“Long life” and “Actively cooled” are pretty much not compatible IMO, which makes the B550 better for longevity, but your choices.
However, if you want something to last a long time, get a Threadripper system. If you have no problem shelling out $$$$$ then Threadripper is what will last you the longest. I’d say expected life of any Ryzen system is 5 years, after that it will start to sag behind.
Threadrippers with a 24-core and then upgrade to a 64-core later when prices are down? Now we’re talking creme-de-la-creme…
i don’t know about Threadripper, it look very good for thread intensive workload and server, but kind of bad on everyday use that create burst of usage with it’s lower clock-speed …
Maybe I’m wrong
So … i went for the Taichi Razer since it’s compatible with openrgb (i believe, razer tool is …) and 32GB of Triden Z 4000mhz cl15 for 1 030€
I know everyone recommended Gigabyte, and i know i asked for those recommendation, but all of you seam to run it as a server where i’m looking for a desktop/workstating/gamming combo…
I am sorry if some of you feel like they lost time replying to someone that didn’t listen in the end.
I will find an existing topic to write about my experience with that board. hopping it help other if i made a mistake.
No worries man, go with what “you” want. We’re only offering suggestions based on the question you asked . Let us know how it turns out, I’d be interested in seeing how the IOMMU groups look like on that board.