Looking for specific laptop

I'm looking for a specific laptop that had these things:

  • Intel processor, at least an i3
  • Intel graphics (Don't need gaming grade laptop)
  • Vt-x support
  • 15 inch screen
  • 1600x900 much preferred, can go 1366x768 if laptop is cheap.
  • HDD and RAM: the bigger the better
  • Blue tooth, touch screen, and webcam not required
  • Don't care if it comes with Win7 or Win8
  • Intel or Atheros wireless card <-- must have
  • And yes, I need a dvd drive.

I'm trying to find the cheapest laptop with this configuration. Hope you guys can help!

So far I have narrowed it down to this laptop: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834231473