Looking for small pc to play movies

I'm looking for something small that can play movies in 1080p, in the form factor and price range ($52 here) of a raspberry pi, because as I've learned the raspberry can play in 720p but struggles with 1080p. I've found this thing called banana pi (is it really legal to call something similar to something confusingly similar? anyway) for $65 and $110 with all the accessories I need like case, wifi, sd card, power connector and with a 1ghz dual core arm v7 @1gb ram, IR reciver for remotes, gigabit lan, sata port (although i'm gonna use NAS, and maybe external hdd) 2 usb, reset power button as oppose to the raspberry's single core 700mhz @ 512mb ram 4 usb. On paper it looks promising but can it stream 1080p movies from a nas without breaking a sweat? Any experiences or other recommendations (bare in mind I literally have no space at my tv desk for even a mini-itx, cause the consoles there gathering dust)?

try the zotack pico. it is an awesome pc for streaming and such

Would be perfect but the 210 euros price tag is a bit off putting if you compare it to 40 euros price tag of the raspberry.

Dunno.  I've had good luck with 1080p on the pi running raspbmc.  It's not the snappiest thing when in the gui, but HD videos seem to play fine.