Hi all,
As is life, there is always something to go wrong.
Last night during routine dusting, I noticed on my case window a splatter pattern of liquid.
Figured ti was strange as I dont have water cooling, and my ceiling does not leak, so after following the spray i have concluded that the fan on my cpu cooler threw a bearing and the oil is in many places.
The main area of concern for me is, on top of my graphics card. of course the place it hits is the only opening on the back plate with capacitors and other such components exposed. what i would like to know is a safe way to clean it up or if it can live that way. everything is working and to be honest i am not sure when the bearing went out, plus i know that oil, most of them, are not conductive so my mind tells me everything is ok, but i am looking for reassurance.
Next, i am wondering how to go about cleaning it up.will 90% isoporpoyl work? I solder little kits all the time and i use flux, clean with alcohol and then wash the circuit boards so i dont have fear about touching the components with a liquid but i was wondering if anyone had similar experiences and knows what cleans the fan oils.
ill nab a photo if you guys need it. I am sure most of you know what i am talking about already.
The cooler that died was a zalman cnps9900max and the graphics card that is in suspended peril is a gtx680.
secretly i am knida excited that my cooler broke, because i get a new one but am annoyed i have to pay but that's life, and honestly i got that cooler on a promotion from the egg and have never been really all that impressed with it. My new idea is a noctua nh u14s, sorry not a liquid man yet.
thanks for your input and time,