I have a decent set of headphones so I don’t want to get a headset. I’m tired of the cheap mics I keep getting that end up breaking or having problems with my friends not hearing me. I have money, even willing to pay 100 euro but then again, don’t really want to spend money that I don’t have to.
Don’t want a modmic because it’ll always be in my face, thinking more of a desk mic.
The snowball seemed like a popular option but when I looked up a review it seems like the build quality is a bit poor for how much damn money I’m spending on a mic… seems maybe excessive. Maybe I’m wrong. Any help?
Not an expert by any stretch of the imagination. But anyhow, I was in the same situation as you a while back when I was still leading groups of people in a game. For some reason headsets really hurt my ears, especially after hours and hours of use. Instead I decided to get a standalone desk microphone and combine it with Apple in ears, the only headphones I can use without feeling like I'm dieing after 4-5 hours of use.
I did some research back then but don't remember a whole lot of it anymore. Basically I narrowed it down to either the Snowball or the Samson C01U. In the end I went with the Samson. No complaints at all about it, audio is absolutely great. The only thing is that its in the way sometimes since its pretty tall and the mount standard isn't very stable, so I've had it drop on me a few times :<
Personally when I don't want my modmic on my headphones, I will hang it on a lamp above my top monitor. It will still pick up sound (I have uni-directional variant).