I have made an OpenSource project, it is a hardware password manager that is a bit different from conventional password managers on the following points:
It acts as a keyboard (the operating system detects it as an USB keyboard), and types the requested information for you, because it is a keyboard, it works with all programs and does not require any plugins.
Your computer can not access the password database, so if you are using it on a compromised computer, attackers will only obtain the accounts you actually use. (software password managers keeps your passwords in an encrypted file, vunerable to brute-force attacks).
It required physical access to get information out of it, even if you know the master-password, you still need physical access to try to unlock it.
It was designed to be used on OSX/Linux systems without the need for installing any software or drivers, Windows users need only to install the driver (a clear-text inf file).
It's fully OpenSource, you can compile the firmware from source and build the device yourself if you really don't trust anybody.
If you're interested in this sort of thing, have a look at the website, http://finalkey.net/
I'd like input on any points, but what I'm mainly interested in is how I am conveying the message, I'd like to point out that I build the device the way it is, because that is exactly how I personally want a password manager to work, so, I'm more interested in if I'm being clear in explaining how it works, so.. Yell at me and tell me what I'm doing wrong, and also if I'm doing anything right! :D
Thanks! ^_^
Also, I don't care about the vaping! I think it looks silly and a bit hipsterlike but hey, whatever keeps your vessel buoyant right? :)