Looking for help buying a new motherboard


I’m needing help finding the cheapest motherboard that will support overclocking a i5-10600k to 5Ghz. My old LGA 1155 system was mini itx so I’d maybe like to keep it at that kinda form factor if at all possible without spending a boatload of money. From my research, the Asrock Z490M-ITX/ac is the cheapest however “Actual Hardcore Overclocking” didn’t like the idea of trying to overclock a 6core CPU on a 5 phase.

What would i be looking for phase wise if i’m looking to overclock the CPU? Thanks and kind regards guys.

Well if you check out the recent Hardware Unboxed video on the entry level/priced Z490 boards, Steve really disliked the Asrock boards, poor VRM design.

You may have better luck spending a bit more for a quality board but for ITX form factor this maybe somewhat limited.

Hi, thanks for the reply!

I bit the bullet and just bought the MSI Gaming Edge WiFi Z490 as I watched Wendel’s video on Level1Techs and I just wanted to know what motherboard will actually get me to my goal without future headaches when everything arrives. The mini-itx motherboards are way too pricey, so that made it easier going with a bigger form factor.

While still on the subject of motherboards, i have a i7-4770k & i7-2600 not doing anything as i need to replace both motherboards, and i’m wondering what’s a good motherboard for each of these CPU’s without breaking the bank? (or paying £100+ for old hardware in this case)

note: For the i7-4770k I had it on a Asus maximus vi impact but that still holds a decent price so that’s out the question. For the i7-2600 I’m sure I just had a gigabyte one (can’t remember the model)

Not really sure on those as my last Intel CPU was the i7-6850 on a Gigabyte X99 motherboard.

Neither the CPU nor the Motherboard were cheap/cost-effective :wink:

But this is due to having the 2011 socket and the quad-channel memory support.

The i7-2600 should run on the much cheaper socket 115x boards with dual-channel support.

I would say don’t 9700K is probably better option and more stable with current motherboards.
ASUS, MSI and ASRock tend to provide enough, but not on all models.

The board you posted looks all right, but I would aim airflow on the choke to be sure.

I could help you out with recommending a good board with a good vrm design.
But then i need to know what form factor you are looking at.
And of course your budget what you could spend on a motherboard.
And which features are a must for you, like wifi, amount of usb ports etc?

That is kinda important information to know,
to select a board that fit your needs best.

I still need to make a vrm overview topic for z490 and AMD B550,
like i also did with the TRX40 boards, boards etc etc.
But just didn’t have had the time for it yet.

Not all Asrock boards have a poor vrm design.
But the lowend ones indeed do.
That count for pretty much all brands, with a very few exceptions.
But decent boards with a decent vrm start at around the $180,- and up price mark.
cheap boards are generally cheap for a reason.

Indeed they are, amazing though the price differences between the Asrock Z490 boards and the MSI and the ASUS boards.

Even the Gigabyte one failed when paired with the 10900K CPU.

I’m hoping that Intel will eventually see the light and allow memory overclocking on their B and H series chipsets, but I kind of doubt it :frowning:

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