Looking for hassle free GPU for passthrough

Hi everyone,

I am a little bit out of the loop and a quick search got me nowhere. The whole ordeal with making sure with every new kernel update that I have the necessary patches for my Navi card goes on my nerves.

Are there middle to high end cards that are hassle free? Like when I use a 2060 SUPER, 2070 or 2070 SUPER do they work without problems for gpu passthrough or do they also have reset- or similar bugs to be aware of?

Thanks in advance for your tips!

5700XT should be linux and consequently VM friendly. Unless you need ray tracing though (AI noise cancellation is also arguably sweeter than raytracing)

The 5700xt has the reset bug? Nvidia is okay but be prepared to work around code 43

I’d like to know this too, but we’ll likely need the whole hardware configuration, not just the video card. As I’m finding out the hard way, it’s the combination of different hardware that makes this complicated.