Looking for guys/girls to play Gmod with,

hello poeple.

i-am currently setting up a gmod server for us to play on



Fawkes [/connection 0]


I do have Garry's Mod now. I'll be happy to join. I'm in the GMT-5 Atlanctic time zone

What is you steam id i play on twosdcore regulerly mine is Frozen Dead Yeti


awesome ^^ i see we got two poeple already.

my steam is: roland98  and my skype is:  roland.lubbers 

cool i never heard of it but my steam name is: roland98 and my skype is: roland.lubbers, contact me when possible ^^



I'm in. I would just need to be awake when you want to play. GMT+10 i think it is.

hahaha okay i accepted you,

I would join you but the when i played garry's mod the community was horrible and i just couldnt handle playing those kind of people.

I have been playing Garry's Mod on and off lately, I usually play TTT, but I'll play whatever. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Pfannyyy/ Just add me on Steam. I'm in GMT-5. 

i know.. thats why i try to make a group to play with without annoying little pricks

i added you

Been playing a lot of Trouble in Terrorist Town also, as of late. Add Void | TidiestOhio21 on Steam and I'd be happy to join you  :3

i play some gmod occasionally, usually only ttt, but i'm willing to play other modes

steam name is same as here

thankyou, i'll add you ^^

okay guys we have=

  • overlordnick
  • pfannyyy
  • mcwoppersnaggy
  • frozen dead yeti
  • ( tidiestohio21 )

if you could get all these poeple to your steam list we can communicate as a group.

and as a tip add an extra nickname in steam (i used RTW example; overlordnick (RTW) 

and skullabyss has been added to the group to


and i think this is enough poeple