Looking for graphic cards

So i just bought a computer from best buy, its run nice and smooth but it doesnt have a grapic card,


this is the computer i bought http://www.bestbuy.com/site/HP+-+Pavilion+500+Desktop+-+8GB+Memory+-+1.5TB+Hard+Drive/8998102.p?id=1218968343934&skuId=8998102#tab=reviews

help chosse a card for it needs to be under 250$ dollars .

Why would you buy a pc with an apu to put a graphics card in it. Should have built one yourself or at least have known what you were looking for before you bought it. 

Let me explain the attitude , when buying retail computers your getting screwed. Retailer will pick a aspect to market the said product from and go from there. Like in your case 1.5 tybe hard drive the rest of the computer is going to obsolete crap that if your lucky you can upgrade some of it. Its going to be filled with sub par parts, the cheapest of the cheap. On the upside you have a warranty but your more than likely going to need it.

I keep trying to get the site to post the specs it wont do it . lol


I recommend returning it and building a computer yourself. As complicated it seems, it's basically a 10 step process.

1. Unpack all your products. Put your motherboard ontop of it's box, NOT with the anti-static bag.

2. Place the CPU inside of it's motherboard socket. Install the CPU Cooler.

3. Plug in all the PSU cables using common sense and the mobo manual. Plug it into the wall.

4. Insert the video card. Plug in a keyboard and/or mouse into the motherboard, and connect the video card to a monitor. Short the two powerswitch pins with a screw driver. (Have them connect through the screw driver.) Turn on the monitor and the motherboard's logo should pop up onto the screen. Turn the computer off via PSU switch. If everything works right, continue.

5. Insert all the fans, optical drive, storage, other accessories and motherboard backplate into the selected case.

6. Think how you are going to route all of your cables.

7. Take off the video card, unplug all of the cables from the mobo and PSU. Insert the PSU into the case, screw it in.

8. CAREFULLY place your motherboard into the case, mounted with standoffs. Screw it in.

9. Plug everything in, insert the video card. MAKE SURE to use the mobo/case manual if needed. Double check everything looks fine.

10. Turn the computer on, via case switch. Everything should work fine. Install your copy of windows, and tada!

 If you do plan on building a computer, please watch the first 3 video's newegg has. They will help, ALOT.


However, if you can't return it. I HIGHLY suggest the MSI GTX 760, it is the best of the 760's. The 760 is one of the most recent and best, if not thee best, bang for buck videos card. 249.99 with rebate. Later if you have a beefy enough PSU, you can get another 760 for 2-way SLI. And you can compete 2 250$ GPU's with a 1000$ GTX Titan if you use them correctly.





I would recommend this for less than $250:


This really does seem like a waste of potential though, considering that you probably could have gotten an FX-6300 based system or better for the same amount of money you're going to be spending.

i just got out of console gaming so you can tell im a noob at this. but i just want a good graphic card your suggestions will be good thanks.


one more thing would this card be ok http://www.amazon.com/GDDR5-technology-Graphics-Cards-HD7770-2GD5/dp/B0088PK040/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1375238188&sr=8-2&keywords=ati+radeon+hd+7770


Nope. The one I posted is going to be the best you can get for less than $250. The 7770 you posted is very entry level. 

ok thanks you have been really helpful 

one more thing what is an alternative of that card just in case i could not get that one


im pretty sure the 7870 is on sale right now for under 200 dollars,i got one in my system and for the money its an excellent card

im not trying to max out the setting in any games.


I have a XFX 5770 for $50.00