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Ah .... a specific method of security training. Gamified.

I expect to see the address of the the link before i click on it :) or i won't click on it.



For his Majesty.

If you have to ask then you're not doing bug bounty correctly, if you find anything let me know, but also in previous to trying to find holes in my site ask ahead of time. Since I'm still working on all the badges and I like that idea in whole I'll use it and if you join the forums I'll make sure to label you as the creator behind that badge.

It twas a joke
If I did find a vulnerability I would not responsibly disclose it

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I didn't take offense to your joke, I'm sorry it's just policies talking lol. I enjoyed that you said that and I actually would and most likely will make a badge for it and credit it to you. You should join the forums lol

I have no clue what you're talking about, I just said my site also has no ads. I mean unless you can find ads on my site what different perspective is there?