Hi all,
I've got a question I'm hoping to have some advice on.
I'm planning on doing the 1 year challenge (see: https://forum.teksyndicate.com/t/1-year-linux-challenge/74682/53 ). I have a laptop coming that will specifically for this; on my main desktop I will be running Linux in a VM until I've either decided to completely swap to linux or leave the challenge or decide something different. I've been using Linux on and off for many years at this point - I've used several different distros for different purposes, but never one for long term desktop use.
My dilemma is this: Ubuntu or openSUSE.
With Ubuntu:
+ I'm familiar with apt as although I used Red Hat a lot about 17 years ago, I've only used it a bit in the past few years, so I'm not as familiar with yum
+ I would have both Unity and KDE (and possibly XFCE) installed as these are probably my 2 main favorite DEs, a bit more toward KDE
+ As Ubuntu Touch comes out of development and into main stream (some day), I can install it on my Nexus 10 easily through the Ubuntu desktop
+ I've used Ubuntu desktop on and off through various versions. I've used Ubuntu server for various servers since 10.x
- It's not as stable as I would like
- they are going into a potentially quicker development and release cycle as they move to mir which will probably introduce incompatibilities, my main concern would be steam here, especially if I were to use proprietary drivers (on my desktop - the laptop isn't as much of a problem as it has an intel HD 5500).
- Although it can be turned off - something about the Dash integration with servers to produce search results bothers me; I don't know why it does as the OS X Yosemite integration for spotlight search doesn't bother me as much - possibly due to the different philosophies of Linux community vs Apple controlled environment
With openSUSE:
+ I would have KDE and XFCE (my next favorite to KDE).
+ From what I understand openSUSE 13.2 is extremely stable compared to Ubuntu, especially in the KDE environment
+ From what I've seen of tests on Phronix, openSUSE seems to have better numbers on identical hardware then Ubuntu when it comes to various tests and FPS ratings
+ Option to utilize a rolling release
- I'm not familiar with Yast and although I'm trying openSUSE in a VM right now, I'm having trouble getting used to Yast.
- All users created are plunked in the Users group instead of their own groups. This would mean that if I were to create an additional user on my laptop, unless I went through and made a bunch of manual changes, with the default permissions, they would have access to my personal path.
- No really easy way to grant just certain privileges without diving into the OS (ie: if I were to put it on a laptop, and need to loan said laptop, I can't allow/prevent them from certain operations easily like ability to control wireless, add printers, share files, etc. - this is actually surprisingly easy in Ubuntu)
The two distro backers are both well backed financially, so I really don't have a concern about them just vanishing. I'm just having some trouble choosing as once I get started, I want to stick with what I start with.
My laptop will be arriving probably next Friday (the 17th) so I still have some time to decide. It's a Lenovo that according to both distros are very compatible with their OOB configuration (possibly with some minor tweaks for things like fingerprint scanner and keyboard backlight)
I don't want to start a flame war between distros, they are both great so it seems, I just want to make a good choice and I want to make sure I'm not missing any major differences between the distros that could lean me more in one direction then the other.