Looking for computer feedback and suggestions!

Helloooo, I am looking for suggestions for a good SSD under $200 that is 240GB or 256GB. You get what i mean. Also. I would like suggestions for a case that has No, Yes I said NO 3.5" dive bays. All 2.5" bays. And its not to much of a demand for me. Im useing ONLY ssd's since i want a quiet FAST system that i dont plan to replace for years that has a lot of portabality. You probabally know where im going. MINI-ITX/ATX (Zelda chest opening jingle)

Heres the link to the PC i want to build. I have it pretty much down accept the SSD and the case.  http://pcpartpicker.com/p/CXzj



I don't think there are any cases that only have 2.5 bays sorry.


SSD wise the 3K's are still the best out there for the money. (IMO)

OK a few things here... Why are you using dominator ram with an A10 APU? If you want a rig that you wont have to replace for a few years get an i5 and a GTX 660 or HD7850 also the SSD that you have there is great I'm running the 120GB flavour.

I dident know what imo standed for. TY google :P

I dont realy want to use intel. Not a AMD fanboy (Might be idk) But i just dont like intel for some reason. I have no clue why.

Well whats your budget? because in most cases intel does run a little better... 

Theres no point on buying an APU just for mini-itx when youre already spending $850


6-7-8 hundred

Then you should really consider going to an ATX form factor due to price/performence

I would like to keep it small. Or do you me mini-Atx?

Also: Im spending $820 :P lol jk

Well mATX it would be smart going for intel even tho you wount get the full sata6 ports like you do on AMD  but you really should go for a APU with a $800 budget if you are looking for speed.

And 8Gb for $100? lol You should get some faster ram if you want a APU and in a 16GB flavor it may not look as nice but it will preforme much much better with the APU.

and thats what im going for :P

Darn. and i was going to get the fancy ram lights.

And thats a LOT slower than what i saw on the sight. Darn SKU numbers.

what ram should i get? 

i would say samsung 840 250gb

here is a $950 quick build http://pcpartpicker.com/p/EdKD


The ram is very good in this I love Adata ram for the price to performance it's amazing.

Adata, Kingston, crucial, Corsair, G. Skill ect....


APU you want at least 1600-1866 ram the faster the better. plus having like 16GB is always good for future proofing the system.