Looking for Cloud-based services for making Servers

I’ve been looking for ways to get into the field of system administration and I think my best options are with cloud-based services such as AWS, Ec2 and S3. Are there any other such cloud-based services you could highly recommend me working with?

The network infrastructure at home is so bad I can’t fix it and it’s heavily bottle necked to point where making servers at home and putting them in on a resume really isn’t an option.

They have a large chunk of the market place, followed by azure and gcp. Digital ocean is popular as well.

You should look into building a lab type setup to simulate on prem Kubernetes + Prometheus setups.

Also, what do you mean your home network setup is bad … you’re supposed to be the admin, fix it!

As in I live at my parents house, it’s their network and so I can’t touch it. I am just starting out

You typically don’t need a fast network to start, it’s interesting but usually you just need ram for VMs, and you can make a virtual network out of that…