Looking for an AM3+ CPU, mainboard & RAM

Hi guys,

my friend is looking to buy a new mainboard, cpu and ram. The cpu (and mainboard) should be AM3+ and he has a dedicated graphics card (Radeon HD 6870), so i don't know about APUs. He's just gaming (Warframe, StarCraft II, Dragon Age). Any suggestions?

Edit: Oh, i forgot to add, the budget is 150$ (200$ max.). 4 cores for the cpu and 4gb ram are sufficient. There's always room for an upgrade later down the road. Current config: AMD Phenom II X2 560, 4GB Kingston PC2-6400 RAM, MSI K9A2VM.

What is their current CPU/Motherboard and RAM configuration?

This is usually a recommended AM3+ 8 core and motherboard:


The is not much am3+ motherboard options. But I strongly suggest the asus sabertooth if he is not on a budget coupled with a 8320 cpu. This should last a while and would work great with his 6xxx series graphics card. I would go with any 1600 mhz DDR3 Ram, 8gb minimum. Asus sabertooth supports all big brand of memory sticks available.

The gigabyte 990fx ud3 (as long as it isn't revision 3.0!!!!) is a great board I ran an fx-6350 overclocked to 4.7 on it for close to a year after getting it used. I then sold it due to misdiagnosis of a hardware problem (oops) 

The current config: AMD Phenom II X2 560, 4GB Kingston PC2-6400 RAM, MSI K9A2VM

I also updated the original post.

Thanks for the suggestion, but i forgot to mention the budget, yea. He's mainly gaming, so anything beyond that, performance wise, is just a bonus.