I have been looking for a tablet seeing as how I like to watch/listen to media and read ebooks so much on my phone and a tablet would be a much better experience.
I have narrowed it down to the Nexus 7 2013 and the EVGA tegra note 7
I saw the linustechtips review of the tegra note 7 and it really made me unsure between the two. I really like the tablet back and the front facing speaker design
I want to hear if anyone has any advice or suggestions as my mind is not made up at all and I may have overlooked something in this price range that doesn't suck
Things I would like are the 7-10 inch size and running android.
I have a Nexus 7 the old one and I bought my mom a 2013 edition for my mother.
I have used both of them and they are really amazing devices. The 2013 edition is probably the best tablet around. The screen is gorgeous and it is fast as hell.
Thanks for the advice guys I am reassured the nexus 7 2013 is the way to go. For those of you who own one what case do you use I was browsing those yesterday and the reviews for the Asus branded ones are not so great
It is very noticeable. While the screen on the Note 7 is by no stretch of the word bad, the sharpness and color on the Nexus 7 really can't be beat.
You are right the Nexus 7 doesn't have an SD slot. The 32GB version isn't significantly more though than the 16GB so I'd grab that. But if you desperately need the expandability then the Nexus 7 isn't for you.
The SD slot on the note 7 isn't even use able if you use the ota Android updates so I had basically discounted that. Does anyone know when they plan to release the nexus 8 I haven't seen much about it I also heard it was going to be at a different price point.
Definitely a Nexus tablet. Get the 2012 if you want to save some dough and are going to be rooting and flashing custom roms, etc. Since its been out longer it has better support. If you want the better tablet all around, then go ahead and get the 2013. Both are awesome.
If you can get a little more, I strongly recommend an Asus T100. its a full windows 8.1 tablet for less than $400, but I got mine for $300 on a special deal. It is a very good light weight and powerful tablet.